Saturday, September 26, 2009

Apple Picking

I LOVE the weekends. I never valued them as much before I had a child. But every Sat/Sun morning when I wake up to Katerina "calling" for me, I don't even mind that its early in the morning because I know we can just hang out. Even Baba will wake up early to hang out (well not as early as us girls, but still fairly early for a weekend).

This morning, we had a great big breakfast and then went apple picking. It was Katerina's first apple picking adventure! It was a beautiful crisp morning--and we picked Cortlands, Empire and McIntosh apples. Yum! Katerina really enjoyed herself. She loved looking at all of the trees and kept trying to grab the leaves. It was too cute.

Mike and I got some cider donuts and hot apple cider afterwards. Wow! I especially enjoyed this apple picking experience because I missed it last year...I was too nauscious. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

4 Month Stats

Katerina had a doctor's appointment yesterday. She is 13 pounds and 14 ounces and 25 inches long. It was so much fun watching her interact with the doctor this time. She tried grabbing his tie--which was a NY Giants tie- luckily Baba wasn't around to witness it. She also tried to chew on his arm. It was quite amusing.

She did so great getting her shots too. When it was time to get the shots, I gave Katerina her binky and started reciting the book "Moo Baa La La La" to her. It's her favorite book. It worked pretty well as a distraction. She didn't start crying until after the second shot and then only for a few seconds. The nurse was chuckling at me as I recited the book--but I say--whatever works right?

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Okay, so I've been meaning to write a blog post for about a week now to give an update on the new things that Katerina is doing.
First, she could roll over any day now. When on her back, she arches her back so far, gets up on her side and has half of her body on her stomach, but then that one hand gets stuck. :)

She has discovered her head. She touches it a lot and plays with her hair...maybe she will be a hair twirler like her Mom!

She giggles a lot more too. In fact, everytime you take off a onesie she giggles!

She has become a lot more possesive about toys. If she is playing with a toy, and is really into it, and then drops it and can't get it back, she starts to fuss or cry. Once you give her back the toy, she is content.

Finally--we are trying to figure out if she is starting to teeth...she bites on things pretty hard. In fact I gave her my knuckle the other day to suck on and it kinda hurt!

She has a doctor appointment on Monday--so we'll send another update then.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Woes of a working Mom

I feel like I am going through the adjustment of being a parent all over again. When Katerina was first born there was all kinds of adjustments: breastfeeding, lack of sleep, and just the constant attention that a new born requires. Now, I have all of that down, but can't figure out how to work, spend time together as a family and do all of the other things necessary--like make and eat dinner. And we only have one child...:)

I've only been working full-time for a couple of weeks, so I am sure we'll figure it out eventually...we just need a little more time.

Luckily, Katerina is doing pretty well adjusting...I just need to catch up!