A week or so ago, Katerina rolled over for the first time. She has now mastered the task and rolls over every chance she gets. I think the days of sleeping on her back are also over. Last night when we went to check on her before going to bed, she had rolled over onto her tummy. This is a picture of her napping this morning.
However, she has only figured out how to roll over in one direction--when lying on her back she can only roll to the right. She tried very hard to roll to her left this morning as she really wanted a toy that was laying in that direction, but she couldn't quite get it. As a result she got very frustrated and started to cry. It was pretty cute.
The solid food adventure hasn't been very successful thus far. She gets pretty cranky after a few bites--which mostly end up on her chin. She continues to spit the food right out, which may actually tell us she isn't quite ready. We can continue to waste time, effort, food and laundry at this fruitless prusuit, or we may just wait another week and try again. We'll keep you posted.