Last weekend was Katerina's Baptism. It was a beautiful weekend and we were blessed with the company of friends and family.
Katerina was very a good girl. I was nervous that stranger anxiety would set-in, but it didn't. She was a social butterfly most of the weekend--talking to people, showing off her skills, i.e. rolling, sticking her feet in her mouth and saying "Da da da da."
Katerina loved all the attention, but it certainly wore her out. She slept for awhile at the restaurant during lunch. Then, after cake and desserts as guests were leaving our house, she went down for another nap and slept for over two hours. Mike and I had to actually wake her up.
The Baptism ceremony was wonderful. Father Pat made it very relaxed.
Katerina began the ceremony wearing the gown that was hand-made for my mother, which I also wore. Katerina is the third generation to wear the gown. Then, after she was Baptized, she put on new clothes that her Nouno, Stratis bought for her in Greece. She looked so adorable!
She only cried once as she was being "dunked." The rest of the time she was fasinated by her dress, the people, or her shoes, which she kept tapping together.
She also did a great job taking communion for the first time, although she did dribble a little.
Strat, Katerina's Godfather, did an excellent job too in his role in performing the sacrament! We were thrilled to be able to honor Strat as Godfather and Meghan as the Witness for the ceremony. They both mean a great deal to us and we know that Katerina will have a special relationship with them.
It was a fun weekend spent with friends and family. Thanks everyone for making the trip to be with Katerina.