Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Playing games

Katerina has been playing a lot of games recently. One of her new things is to point and laugh at you. We haven't told her yet that its actually not very polite! :)

The other day when she was having dinner, I asked her if I could have some of her chicken. She picked up a piece and held it out for me, which I assumed meant she was going to share. As I opened my mouth to take a bite, she put that piece of chicken in her mouth and laughed at me. She proceeded to pretend to share several more times, but each time I went for a bite, she took a bite herself. I couldn't help but laugh at how clever she was.

Of course peek a boo is an all time favorite. She will even hold up a blanket in front of her as I say "where's Katerina..." and then drop it down waiting for the "peek a boo"

We are having so much fun playing these games. This is such a wonderful age!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I am not sure when you can officially say a child is walking...but Katerina is certainly doing a lot of it. Just within the last week she has gone from taking a few steps and falling, to walking across the room on her own accord. She prefers walking I think, but still crawls, particulary if she wants to get somewhere fast.

It has been very fun to watch her delight as she can get from one object to another while walking...such as the couch to the stairs. And she has soooo much energy!

p.s. ignore the date on this picture...our camera keeps screwing up the date...

Friday, April 9, 2010


Katerina has made several discoveries recently, which has been fasinating to watch and observe.

She has discovered that grass is soft, bumping and feels kinda funny. She doesn't want to crawl on it because she doesn't like how it feels.

She has discovered that while teeth are good for chewing food, when she puts her fingers in her mouth and clamps down--it hurts!
She has discovered her nostrils--and that her little finger fits perfectly up there!

She has discovered that walking is lots of fun, and if she whines and fusses long enough, Mommy or Baba will hold her hands so she can walk around the house.

Finally, she has discovered that throwing up is much different than "spitting up"... she had her first stomach bug on Wednesday night. Mike and I had just fallen asleep and woke up to her throwing up. She proceeded to throw up several more times that night. We did a lot of laundry and she got her first midnight bath. We set up the pack n play in our room so that we could hear her, but she eventually ended up sleeping in our bed. We felt so bad for her. Luckily it was only a 24 hour bug. Its now Friday night and she is finally back to her old self and eating chicken fingers and peas!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

11 Months Old!

Only 1 month until Katerina turns 1. We can hardly believe it. Here are some of her recent milestones:
She stands by herself with ease.
She is taking a few steps --her max is about three before she falls.
She will wave "bye bye" and "hi."
She claps whenever she is excited and will clap along to patty cake.
She has experienced many new table foods, including fish, spanikopita, peanut butter, and blueberries!
She hasn't had cake yet...we are waiting for birthday party!