Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Playing in the Rain

One of the best parts about being a parent is being able to act like a kid again. We had a chance to do that on Sunday when visiting family in CT. We went to a cook-out visiting the CT relatives as well as Great Grandma and Great Grandpa who were up visiting. It was warm and sunny for the first part of the party, but it started to rain a little before dinner.

Katerina didn't mind the rain one bit. We were both still in our bathing suits, so we just stood out in the rain and Katerina took great pleasure in splashing in the puddles. Here's a video that captured the moment.

Katerina also enjoyed spending time with cousin Jack, her great Aunts and Uncles and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa who I think she remembered from visiting a couple of months ago. Here's a picture of her trying on Grandma's hat...how precious!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hairs Cut

One of my high school teachers used to tease me by saying that I didn't get my "hair" cut, I got my "hairs" cut. He was incorrect of course,
because as we all know "hair" can be either singular or plural. Either way, Katerina certainly got her "hairs" cut yesterday.

It wasn't technically her first haircut. We had given her bangs a trim a couple times before. But this was her first full haircut by Papou. Papou moonlights as a barber (well not exactly, but he cuts Mike's hair, Strat's hair and Yiayia's hair). So, instead of going through the hassle of going to my hairdresser, we decided to let Papou cut it.

I have had several traumatic haircut experiences in my life and as a result, getting my haircut always makes me a little apprehensive. I didn't realize though that my apprehensiveness would extend to my daughter. During Katerina's haircut I was a mess, especially after her bangs were cut short. I wasn't crying, but I was on edge. And the cutting kept on going and going and going...I thought she was going to look like a boy! Then finally I couldn't take it anymore so I made him stop, probably sooner than necessary.

Luckily when she woke up this morning she still looked like a girl. But now she looks like a big girl--one who can actually see because her hair isn't in her face. See, it wasn't so bad, right Katerina?