Sunday, November 7, 2010

Girls Weekend!

My sisters visited Katerina and I this past weekend. Mike was traveling so we had free reign of the house. Katerina loved having so much entertainment. We ordered Chinese, did some girl talk, and my sisters taught Katerina how to dance like a ballerina. She stands up on her tip toes, puts her arms in first position, and turns around. So cute! Unfortunately, we haven't been able to capture the moment on camera yet, but stay tuned.
On Sunday we took full advantage of having Aunt Aileen around (the official baker in the family) and we baked cookies (well Aileen actually made those for Meghan to take back to campus) and together we all made a carrot cake for Mike's Name Day. Aileen was the lead chef for the carrot cake and Meghan and I were the "sous" chefs. It turned out great--making carrot cake is not really that hard! :)

I made the cream cheese frosting after they had left and Katerina fully enjoyed licking the bowl. It was a relaxing fun weekend with the girls.