Saturday, March 19, 2011


We are expecting a new arrival on September 8. We are looking forward to growing our family and watching Katerina interact with a new brother or sister.

Katerina doesn't really understand much yet, but if you ask her where Mommy's baby is, she will point to my belly. Sometimes she will give the baby a kiss too. It's really sweet.

More to come soon!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Katerina's First Story

Katerina told her first story last night. She thought it was so interesting that she repeated it again tonight, several times. After the 3rd or 4th time she told me the story, I decided to record it. But before you watch the video, let me put this in context so that you can understand her story.

On Saturday, Katerina was outside playing in the driveway with Mike as he cooked our steaks for dinner. They were playing with a bouncy ball. Apparently Katerina threw the ball and it landed in the snow. Katerina was a bit distraught that she couldn't reach her ball. Since neither one of them was equipped with boots on, Mike went and got a broom to pull the ball towards them. He picked up the ball and gave it back to Katerina, who was extremely pleased! Here is Katerina's version of that story.