I have not been on this blog for months and months...but wanted to share a few anecdotes about how the Christakis family got ready for baby Christakis.
First, we refinished the basement into a play room/guest bedroom. We can't remember our lives without it!
Next, Katerina needed to move to her new room and her big girl bed. We did that over July 4th weekend...it was 5 days of torture. She didn't want to sleep in her new big bed (full size). Mike would lay with her until she fell asleep. Then in the middle of the night she would walk into our room crying.
In order to go "cold turkey', we had to dismantle the baby room, took the mattress out of the crib, took the pictures down from the wall and told her the bed was broken! Then, we decided to put pillows under the sheets to make the bed "smaller", and we put the gate up at her bedroom door.
That worked. The first night, she got out of her bed, cried for about 1 minute at the door/gate, and then there was silence. Mike and I were shocked and actually we got a little nervous. Why didn't she cry longer? Mike had to go peek to make us feel better that she was alright--and she was--laying down in her bed. Phew!
We then bought little items needed here and there. My last day of work was September 2, right before labor day. I had one day off on the 6th--went out to buy another monitor for the baby's room, a lamp for Katerina's room and buy some more diapers. And I did it just in time, because I went into labor around 3am the next morning.
We went to the hospital on the 7th at 11am (we waited a little too long in my opinion), but then a few hours later at 2:24pm Victoria Ann Christakis was born!