Monday, October 31, 2011

Playdough Monster

Katerina made a playdough monster yesterday. I had given her the toddler knife we have and at first she just spent a lot of time cutting the playdough. Then when using the green playdough and her knife, she decided to make a “mouth” and “eyes.” I didn't know she knew how to do that! You'll also notice the monster has feet! :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Victoria's 40 Day Blessing

Last Sunday was Victoria's 40 day blessing. She was a very good girl--she slept right through it! Strat and Meghan joined us and we all rode to church together in our new mini-van. Katerina seemed to know that it was Victoria's special day because she was "bouncing off the walls"...lots of energy! Here are a few pictures from the event.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Working for Smiles

It is amazing the effort you put in as a parent to get a certain response from your child, such as a smile... it is soo worth it!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Big Smile!

Victoria gave me a huge smile today! Actually she gave me several and I was lucky to catch one on camera.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Katerina loves to CLIMB! When we were in Oswego this weekend visiting my parents, and Aunt Aileen, we went to the park. Katerina loved climbing up a metal ladder and then slide down a big slide. It made me nervous, but she had no fear!


You forget how wonderful sleep is until you get a taste of it...and then sometimes it makes you feel worse--like when you take a nap that is too long and afterwards you feel more tired than when you started.

Last night, Victoria went to bed at 9pm and woke up again at 3am, then again at 6:30am. That is the first time she has only woken up once during the night. Just a few days ago she was going to bed at 10-11pm then, up at 1am then again at 4am! Good job Victoria--but why do I still feel so tired?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Victoria is One Month Old

Victoria Ann is one month old, weighing in at 10lbs, 3 oz and 22.5 inches long. She is doing great!

Some milestones:
She is starting to be distracted by a toy, or a person talking to her.
She MAY have given us a REAL smile or occurred at 3am when she wouldn't go back to sleep as if to say " need to stay up and rock me."
She is starting to coo too, which is the most wonderful sound to hear.

Here's our standard- Mickey Mouse picture.