Sunday, December 11, 2011

3 months old

Victoria is 3 months old! Milestones include:
She laughs and giggles
She "coos" a lot, almost like she is telling a story
She enjoys tummy time
She has started daycare
She got her first cold
And I think she recognizes her Baba, Mommy and big sister Katerina. In fact she will follow Katerina with her eyes and will smile when she sees her. It is so adorable.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Back to work--starting school

And so it began...I went back to work on the Monday before Thanksgiving. Mike watched Victoria for those two days and then she started "school" the Monday after Thanksgiving.

It was difficult going back, but I am slowly getting back into "work mode" and bottle washing mode. The mornings in the Christakis household are a bit crazy trying to get us all up and ready to go. And dropping off and picking up two kids from school is a bit of a challenge, especially on Monday mornings when you need to bring in washed sheets and blankets and Friday afternoons when you take sheets and blankets's a lot to carry!

Victoria seems to be adjusting well, albeit the cold she got on day 3 of school. She is also very fortunate because she often gets visits from her big sister Katerina during the day. Here is a picture of Victoria on her first day of school: