Sunday, July 15, 2012

10 Months Old

Victoria was 10 months old a week ago!  She has reached several milestones:

She got her first tooth (bottom left)
She is crawling (really fast)
She says "Uh-Oh" when she drops a toy
I've heard her say both "mama and baba" although not with any regularity
She can inform you when she is upset (through a very loud scream!)
She can wave bye bye
She can do "high-fives"

She has certainly developed a personality.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

9 months old

Victoria is 9 months old (well she was a couple of weeks ago).  Here are her accomplishments.

She is doing the army crawl --she is really fast!  I think gates are in our future.
She can move from creeping to sitting.
Eating cheerios and puffs like a champ despite the lack of teeth.
She is 18 lbs, 12 ounces, and 29.5 inches long--she needs a new car seat.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

8 months old...

Okay, here is the post for 8 months .. Victoria's milestones for this month are:

Claps her hands
When you say "how big is Victoria...sooooo big" she will open her hands
She is sitting up really well, almost never falls over
Continues to eat more and more...the other day she had ground beef!
She is mobile...sort of. She will roll several times across the floor, spin a 360 and inch backwards.
She doesn't like to be alone...she is very social!
Had her first Easter
Was Baptized
Can pick up cheerios, but doesn't like to eat them

Sunday, May 6, 2012

7 months old...late again

So I know I am late with this post...again.  I don't know where the months go.  But 8 months will be different I promise.

Okay, here are Victoria's 7 month milestones.

Laughing hysterically at her sister, as though she might hyperventilate
"Talking" with sounds that sound more like words
Can "spin" in a 360 to get to her toys
Starting to sit up
And eats a lot!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

6 months old...albeit late

Okay, so this post is long much in fact that Victoria is actually almost 7 months old.
But before she are her major accomplishments at 6 months of age:

She is eating a lot more food...basically food at every meal
She took her first airplane trip to Florida

She beat getting all of the stomach bugs that the rest of us got this winter!
She is also starting to develop stranger anxiety a bit

And she gives the biggest smiles ever! Love you Victoria Ann!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

5 Months Old

Victoria has a lot to brag about this month. First, she just rolled over today for the first time. She had been really close for weeks, but this afternoon she finally made it all the way over. Since that time, she's rolled over probably 6 or 7 times! Here are some of her other accomplishments:

She is eating cereal! And starting to enjoy it after about a week of practice.
She has found her feet. She loves to hold onto them...sometimes even when she is sleeping.
She is starting to become much more aware of her surroundings, sometimes when I leave the room she'll cry. Miss Sue says she does the same thing to her!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

4 Months Old

Victoria is 4 months old now. At her doctor's appointment she was 14lbs, 3 oz and 25 inches long. Here are some of her milestones:
She now plays contently on the floor, surrounded by her toys (vs needing the floor gym)
She is getting really strong...when she moves her legs in the bouncy seat she can really make it move!
She is close to rolling over...she will get all the way up on her side, but then falls back again.
She laughs a lot, especially at Katerina
She will grab and hold onto toys, putting them in her mouth and shaking them

First Christmas

The holidays were wonderful, but admittedly a bit tiring. We did quite a bit of traveling in the month of December ...but it was great everyone got to see Victoria.

The girls had a great Christmas. Katerina really understood Santa Claus this year and was thrilled with all the gifts he gave her. Victoria was also content with a couple of the toys that she received, including this giraffe that squeaks. Unfortunately, Victoria got a cold over the holidays which made it difficult for her to sleep. Luckily she was in a great mood though...she seemed to really get into the holiday spirit.