Sunday, May 27, 2012

8 months old...

Okay, here is the post for 8 months .. Victoria's milestones for this month are:

Claps her hands
When you say "how big is Victoria...sooooo big" she will open her hands
She is sitting up really well, almost never falls over
Continues to eat more and more...the other day she had ground beef!
She is mobile...sort of. She will roll several times across the floor, spin a 360 and inch backwards.
She doesn't like to be alone...she is very social!
Had her first Easter
Was Baptized
Can pick up cheerios, but doesn't like to eat them

Sunday, May 6, 2012

7 months old...late again

So I know I am late with this post...again.  I don't know where the months go.  But 8 months will be different I promise.

Okay, here are Victoria's 7 month milestones.

Laughing hysterically at her sister, as though she might hyperventilate
"Talking" with sounds that sound more like words
Can "spin" in a 360 to get to her toys
Starting to sit up
And eats a lot!