Wednesday, August 12, 2009

3 months and counting...

Katerina is 3 months and 1 week old! How much she has grown. Her accomplishments include:

She smiles, talks and laughs all the time.

She is great at holding and grabbing onto toys and putting them in her mouth. In fact she can even take her binky out of her mouth and put it back in (well sometimes she can do that).

She can do tummy time for 5 minutes without getting upset. You should see how high she gets...she'll be crawling before we know it.

She is mobile...when lying on her back she can turn herself 90 degrees so she is facing the opposite direction.

She is noticing mirrors and has become very fascinated with them.

She is understanding how to push things away or grab onto them...I was trying to use the nose sucking device (what the heck are those things called?), and she kept putting her hands up by her nose to prevent me from doing it. It was pretty funny.

She recognizes me and her Baba. When around other people, she will look for makes our hearts melt!

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