I can't believe Katerina is seven months old. She is becoming such a little person! And she never stays still...I tried several times to take a picture of her and Mickey ...and this is what I got.
Here is an update on her recent milestones.
She has a tooth that is almost completely in, and a second one on the way.She does an "army crawl" to get a toy she really wants. She can also crawls sideways a few steps. Her crying has become quite sophisticated. If you take a toy away from her she starts to cry. If you set her down and leave the room, she starts to cry. Ms. Heather from school said, "Welcome to the world of an older baby."She ate some avocado for the first time the other day. I thought it was disgusting, but she loved it. She has begun to improve her fine motor skills with the help of cheerios. Grandma gave her some during Thanksgiving, and so we've been practicing at home too. She doesn't get too many in her mouth yet, but she's learning. Katerina can sit up by herself now. Occasionally she still falls backwards, but not too often.Finally, she has discovered the wonder of hard surfaces. She loves to scooch over to the wood floor in the family room so that she can bang her hand on it over and over again. She also tries to do the same thing at daycare!
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