Sunday, December 11, 2011
3 months old
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Back to work--starting school
And so it began...I went back to work on the Monday before Thanksgiving. Mike watched Victoria for those two days and then she started "school" the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 18, 2011
hand, hand, fingers, thumb...binky or none?
Katerina was a binky girl as a baby...still is, although binkies are only for bedtime. It was great when she was teething, or tired or cranky. Granted we still need to take it away (a project for after the holidays), but I'm glad she has had it.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Parent/Teacher Conference
We had our annual parent/teacher conference with Katerina's teacher today. Here are the highlights:
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Vacation in Western New York
The Christakis family took a mini-vacation in Western New York this past week. It began with me going to Alfred for a board meeting, Mike going to a Bill's game and Aunt Aileen and Uncle Bill watching the girls.
Victoria is 2 Months Old!
Victoria is two months old now. Here are some of her recent accomplishments:
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sleeping Through the Night!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Real Halloween Story
What an adventure Halloween was this year. If you were to read Katerina's blog you would think it was all "treat" but believe me there was some "trick" as well, which makes for a more memorable experience!
At the school parade and party on Friday, Katerina was very shy--and if you know my daughter that is not typical for her. She spent the parade looking down at her feet as if by doing so no one would see her. Then it took her a good 10 minutes to warm up at the party in her classroom. I think she is just the kind of kid that is cautious in new situations and it is not until the experience is familiar that she becomes herself. After she was more comfortable, however, she wouldn't stop talking and eating the yummy treats they made (fingers, eye balls, and witches brooms).
Then the official Halloween day arrived! I picked her up from school and asked if she was excited to go trick or treating. She said she was. I told her that we were going to have an early dinner before going out. We got home, I took her out of the van, got Victoria out and then when it was time to go inside she gave me a hard time...wanting to go back into the van. I wouldn't let her. She spent a good 5 minutes on the kitchen floor crying. Then I made dinner, and by this time Mike was home. Katerina wanted no part of dinner, crying or sobbing about one thing or another. Her dinner ended up consisting of about 4 bites of peas and a half of string cheese. Oh well...
She got dressed in her costume without tears and was so adorable. She enjoyed trick or treating after she got the hang of it ...usually never saying a word just holding out her bowl and then saying "I want to go to another house." It was pretty cute.
When she got home, she delved right into the candy (apparently having already snacked on some along the way). We let her...she had a Reeses peanut butter cup, another candy bar, a tootsie roll, and a lolly-pop. She tried the sour patch kids but said they were "spicy." After all of that, Mike and I figured she had had enough candy, so he had her pick her "last" piece and then took the candy away. Well the tears came rolling down. I just had to laugh. She eventually calmed down because I let her look in the her candy bowl to see that her candy was still there and I gave in to letting her have a bag of halloween pretzels (what a great idea--just regular pretzels shaped like bats).
Victoria also was a bit fussy in the evening before bed, not wanting to be put down. But both girls ended up sleeping soundly (in fact Victoria went to bed at 8:30pm, woke up at 2:30am for a half hour, and slept again until 6:20am--that a girl!).
It was certainly a Halloween to remember!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Playdough Monster
Katerina made a playdough monster yesterday. I had given her the toddler knife we have and at first she just spent a lot of time cutting the playdough. Then when using the green playdough and her knife, she decided to make a “mouth” and “eyes.” I didn't know she knew how to do that! You'll also notice the monster has feet! :)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Victoria's 40 Day Blessing
Last Sunday was Victoria's 40 day blessing. She was a very good girl--she slept right through it! Strat and Meghan joined us and we all rode to church together in our new mini-van. Katerina seemed to know that it was Victoria's special day because she was "bouncing off the walls"...lots of energy! Here are a few pictures from the event.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Working for Smiles
Thursday, October 13, 2011
First Big Smile!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Victoria is One Month Old
Victoria Ann is one month old, weighing in at 10lbs, 3 oz and 22.5 inches long. She is doing great!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Getting ready for baby Christakis
I have not been on this blog for months and months...but wanted to share a few anecdotes about how the Christakis family got ready for baby Christakis.