Friday, November 18, 2011

hand, hand, fingers, thumb...binky or none?

Katerina was a binky girl as a baby...still is, although binkies are only for bedtime. It was great when she was teething, or tired or cranky. Granted we still need to take it away (a project for after the holidays), but I'm glad she has had it.

Victoria on the other hand doesn't seem to be very interested in the binky. She loves to suck on her nuckles, or her thumb. Every once in awhile she will take the binky, but not like Katerina did.

So what is better? I know there are some kids that manage without either, but both girls as babies have had a strong sucking reflex, so I think Victoria needs something. Ultimately I guess it is not up to me what Victoria chooses...even at 9 weeks she has a mind of her own.

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