Thursday, January 7, 2010

8 Months Old

Katerina was 8 Months old on January 6. I can't believe how much she's grown.

We took two pictures with Mickey this month--one is our traditional side by side, in the other, she is showing off her "sitting-up" skills.

Here are some of Katerina's recent accomplishments:
She can sit up by herself
She can crawl
She can move from sitting to crawling and vice versa
She can pull herself up to standing while holding onto something or someone
She loves cheerios!
She understands Peek A Boo a lot more...and will look for a toy that is "hiding"
Finally, she has become a lot more attached to people, particulary her parents. I might put her down on the floor and walk away, and she will burst into tears. I put her to bed at night, and as soon as I leave the room, she cries. Earlier in the week she woke up in the middle of the night and she wouldn't go back to sleep. Mike gave her the binky, that didn't work. He rocked her, that didn't work. I nursed her, that didn't work. We let her cry for over 10 minutes, that didn't work. So we brought her into bed with us. She layed there on her back looking at me, then at Mike, then back at me, as if she was checking to make sure that we were still there.
Well neither of us slept too well that night, so we vowed to be "tough" the next night. I put her to bed with the normal routine, and when I walked out of the room, she started crying. She cried/cranked for 30 minutes before going to sleep. That was tough, but the next night she only cried for 2 minutes! Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Mike had told me that you guys had a blog online. (around the time of her Christening when I wanted to see pictures:). She is such a beautiful baby and a joy to be around, you two are definetely blessed!
