Sunday, January 3, 2010

Katerina's First Christmas

Katerina celebrated her first Christmas in 2009, surrounded by her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. She enjoyed the wrapping paper, bows and of course all of the attention. Her cold got better as the vacation went on, but on Christmas morning she was so congested that she spit up all over me at 4am, causing me to take the tags off the new pjs I had just gotten the night before.

We first celebrated Christmas in East Greenbush, then we made a trip to Rochester, then Oswego, then CT--traveling over 800 miles to visit our relatives. Katerina was great in the car, and took the opportunity to catch up on some zzzs.

Christmas really is about kids. It was so much fun to just watch her open presents, examine the new toys that make noise and light up...I could have done that all day. I think Katerina also enjoyed seeing new people and would sit and "chat" with just about anyone. We also continued the tradition of reading "The Night Before Christmas" during the holidays.

Also, over Christmas she began to crawl! I mean really crawl. In fact, when we got home from Oswego, as we were unpacking, it became quite challenging to get anything done because we had to keep an eye on her. So when she went down for a nap, we baby proofed the house--put up the gate, a "lock" on the cabinet under the sink, and put the caps on the outlets. It's a lot more relaxing now because I know she is safe.

It was a great holiday.

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