Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Scream!

I heard Katerina "scream" for the first time today.
Mike, Katerina and I were upstairs in her bedroom. We had just read some stories and were about to turn off the lights to get ready for bed. First, however, Mike wanted to empty the diaper genie because it's garbage day tomorrow. Being a curious little girl, Katerina got down from my lap and crawled over towards the diaper genie to watch her Baba. As Mike pulled the very large bag out of the diaper genie and onto the floor, Katerina looked at it and screamed.

Mike and I were a little stunned. And Katerina's face looked filled with fear. I picked her up, and tried to calm her down. While she calmed down almost immediately, she kept looking at the bag. I tried to sit down on the floor with her next to the bag, but she started to cry. Mike then moved the bag to the hallway, and she still kept looking at it. It wasn't until the lights were out, and she was nursing that she seemed to forget about it. At 8 months old, can you get scared?

Mike has heard Katerina scream before. A couple months ago, during drop-off at daycare, Mike sat Katerina down and went to put away her bottles, bag, coat etc. As he was doing that, he heard her scream. A little boy had grabbed a hold of her hair and was pulling on it. The teachers intervened immediately, but it still gave her a shock.

We are forunate that she doesn't scream often (I am knocking on wood right now) and hopefully that trend will continue into the future.

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